Blackinton® is a family owned privately held company.
Blackinton was established in 1852 in Attleboro Falls, Massachusetts, and remains in the same community where it started. Leaning on its history and embracing change, especially in technology, has propelled the company to the market leader in the manufacturing of Public Safety Badges and Insignia.

Create the worlds finest American-Made Badges, Insignia, Medals, FlexBadges and more.
Design a Badge
Use our interactive Design-a-Badge program to see your custom American-made badge before you buy it! It is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Choose your custom badge style (police, fire, sheriff), personalize the badge, instantly see it, and place your custom badge order with a Dealer.
Placing an Order
You found the badge you want, but how do you place an order? Contact one of our dealers, it’s easy… click below and see.
I picked up my official Hammer Clan badge today at the post office and it is gorgeous! Thanks for making it. I’ll be proud to wear it and even prouder to live up to it!
I remain absolutely blown away at the badge. I wanted something to commemorate my 50 years as a firefighter-that started as an infant adopted from the unwed mother’s ward at the old Cook County Hospital in Chicago…along with the year I became a FF (1973) and my 50th year-and this could not have been or come out more perfectly. It is now truly my most prized memento.
If I can ever help you-never hesitate-
Thank you again
In this modern world, its rare to encounter a product that stands out for its quality. Blackinton badges do just that and I thought it appropriate to let you know.
An investigator’s badge was run over by a car not once but twice. We recovered it. The bottom of the badge was bent and the safety catch was completely flattened. Remarkably the seal was unscathed. I expected that forcing things back to where they were supposed to be would surely result in the safety catch breaking off and the panels breaking loose. But, we had to try and the badge proved me wrong. Despite the significant force needed to achieve the goal, we were able to bend everything back and the badge is as pretty as the day we ordered it. Kudos.
I have been working with VH Blackinton for the past year and have been very impressed. My contact, Sabine, is a great person in addition to being extremely professional and very knowledgeable. I highly recommend this company.
On behalf of the men and women of the Highland Park Police Department, thank you for all you did to ensure we would have the medals and recognition we need to appropriately honor the work they did. It means a great deal to me personally as well.
A huge thank you to everyone who helped make sure I had this Purple Heart in hand for our Valor Awards yesterday. For those of you who do not know, this was presented to Officer Antwan Toney’s mom (who we flew in from California) who was shot and killed in the line of duty last October. His mom told me multiple times how pretty the purple heart was and how much she appreciated it.
Today I received my refinished badge and it is fantastic! You told me not to expect it to be as good as new, but I sure can’t tell any difference from the day I bought it some 40 years ago! It’s beautiful!
I was so heartbroken when I saw the condition it was in with the water damage, my time as a deputy is still very dear to me and the thought of losing that tangible piece of my memories was terrible. Your team at the factory worked wonders! Please pass along my sincere thanks to them, as well. Thank you so much!
I know often times you only hear from us dealers when we have a problem. I wanted to share with you this GREAT email regarding the largest order we have ever made with Blackinton. Please pass on my sincere gratitude and thanks to everyone that was involved in this project. You had the product produced and out the door in a efficient and timely manner and everything went like clockwork! Thank you again for your assistance and lets keep up the great work.
Once again, I cannot express enough how pleased we are with our badges. It seems like everyday someone is commenting on their beauty and craftsmanship, which usually leads to conversations about our city and the imageries depicted on the badge. These badges have given us a sense of unique identity when worn in the presence of others, a badge we are all proud to wear. What once started out as only a hand sketched vision of the design, you and your team were able to make it a reality. We are forever grateful to you and all of the amazing staff who worked so diligently on our project.
“The badges I requested arrived today… They are WOW, WOUNDERFUL, SPLENDERFOUS, EXQUISITE!!! THANK YOU!!!”
We have been in business since 1914 and have always used Blackinton for our badge needs. First and most importantly the sales staff.. timely and professional. Secondly is customer service, they have always been the friendliest of any vendor I have worked with. And finally the quality of the products has always been impeccable, I have never had to return an item sold to one of my customers…”
The production sample of our Anniversary Custom Badge arrived today. The badge looks GREAT and my entire staff is extremely happy with the finished product. Thank you for all your help in the design and production of the badge.
I received the badge the other day. It looks fantastic! Everyone at the PD loves it. I’m looking forward to wearing it in October
I received my badge last night. It looks great. Thank you so much. It means a lot to me since it was the 1st badge I received 36 years ago. The workmanship is outstanding. Again thank you so much!